Samstag, 2. Juni 2018

The only Way to God

I really felt satisfied that I had been able get a Bible at last. And also the strange manner in which I had found it soothed my spirit. That might be a good sign! I thought to myself. But I didn`t ask myself who might have given me that “tipp”.
     When walking back through the old town in the direction of where my bicycle was stashed, my attention was drawn to a loud voice speaking in the open air. A young man was standing on a little platform and speaking to a small crowd in front of him.
    This scene really fascinated me, as I had never seen anything like it before in public. The man spoke in a clear and enthusiastic way and all the people seemed to be listening to him with great interest. I stopped and joined the group of listeners.
    Very soon I realized that he spoke about faith in Jesus Christ and the eternal life. It sounded a little bit confusing to me. Why should there be a connection between an eternal life and Jesus Christ? And how could it be brought into the concept of reincarnation that Mike and my “relatives” had advocated?
 After a while my mind started to drift so I decided to leave. But just as I turned around, a young man addressed me with a friendly smile, "Hello, my name is Herbert and I come from Konstanz. I saw you listening. May I ask you question?"
    I was a little bit taken aback by that direct manner of speaking. But since this was no day like any other day,  I nodded and said: "Yes, please do!" He smiled again, "Well, do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
     I looked with surprise at him. Then I asked, “A relationship with Jesus? Do you have it?” He smiled again: “Yes, I have! May I tell you about it?”
An hour later I knew he meant about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! We had found a place to sit down nearby and when he had seen my Bible he had said, "Well, you have a bible?" I nodded, "I bought it ten minutes ago." "Wonderful," he said, "so we can study the issue by reading about it in your Bible." And so we did.
    So let me briefly summarize our "bible study". In essence, because of Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden, we are all basically alienated from God and eternally lost.Through Jesus Christ and his death on the cross, Adam`s sin is paid for. Now all people can again come in contact with God by accepting Jesus Christ as his personal redeemer.
Herbert assured me more than one time, "It really works! I have given my life to Jesus Christ some years ago and since that time I am really in contact with God!"
   Although I had listened very carefully to his words I was not really convinced. I finally asked him, "How do you know that? What makes you sure that you are really in contact with God?"
     He answered without any hesitation, "From the time after I accepted Jesus as my Savior, my life has completely changed. God has started to influence my life very effectively. I have experienced many hints and proofs of His love. And he lead me on a new path of life!"
More often than not, I wouldn’t have liked such religious talking, but there was something very fervent and compelling in his voice, expression and gestures. I felt that perhaps he had lived some experiences I knew nothing about.
    My own contact with the "relatives" and the announced death of Juergen came to mind. Should I tell him? I decided not! Instead of this I asked him, "But there are so many other religions in the world. For example, what about the Hindu religion? Are they not in contact with God? And what about Ghandi? He was a really good person!"
    He turned again to the pages of his Bible and said, "Gospel of John, Chapter 14, verse 6! Let us read!" I opened up my bible again and searched for that verse. Then I read out loud:
Jesus said to him: I am the way, the truth and the life, no one can come to the Father but by me! (John 14: 6)

Now, for the first time during our converstion, I was slightly shocked.What? Jesus, is the only way to God? I asked myself. Within a second or two the full sense of it began to dawn on me. If this was true, me and many others would be on a wrong path of life!
    I didn`t show Herbert my commotion. But I allowed him at the end of our conversation to say a prayer for me. And so he did: "Please, Lord Jesus, let him find you. He is like a lost sheep in a great desert and looks for water! Let him not get lost for eternity! Please give him a revelation of yourself!"
     Again, I was stunned. So, in Herbert’s eyes, I was in my authentic state, lost for eternity? A disturbing thought! But I said "Amen!" and didn`t comment it. Instead of this, I thanked him for his effort and time, said goodbye and went directly to my bicycle.
 When I reached it, I didn’t start immediately. Instead, I looked for a quiet place and sat down. I opened my Bible and read again: ... no one can come to the Father but through me!
    Again I could not believe what I read there. If it was really true, my life was wrong! And not only my life! The life of so many others, whether  religious or not! Not through Buddha or someone or something else. Only through Jesus one could find God!
    So, I closed my Bible and sat there thoughtfully for some moments. Then I had an idea: I will ask the relatives! They surely will know the answer!  I felt tired and decided to ride home.

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