Samstag, 2. Juni 2018

Another Shock!

Early in the morning I got up feeling dizzy and restless. But I wanted clarity about Juergen’s fate! So, I set up the devices for a new meeting with the "relatives" on the kitchen table and sat down with a cup of tea.
    When I laid my hand on the mini-table it began to move immediately. I could read on the fresh,white sheet of paper, Hello_Heiner_how_are_you_Willi_is_here
     At once I felt better. But this time I was not in the mood for small talk. So I asked directly, "Has Jürgen died?" The mini-table moved again: Yes_he_is_now_here_with_us!

I took a deep breath. Then I said, "OK, so I want to play the promised game of chess with him. You remember?"
    There was a small pause. Then came the answer:
Yes_I_remember!_But_right_now_that_is_not_possible_He_had a_hard_and_long_struggle_of_death_and _is_very_exhausted 

I was dumbfounded. Normally I would have thought that after the death of the body everything would be okay in the other world. Obviously not! Suddenly a trembling writing became visible on the big sheet of paper: Hello_Heiner! Joy arose in my heart. It is Jürgen! I thought.
   "Hello Jürgen! Good to know you are on the other side with my relatives." I smiled. "So you have time to recover till tomorrow. We shall play a game of chess then, and”, I joked, “you will loose as always! So bye till tomorrow."
    I waited for a moment, but there came no answer. So, I got up from the table and poured myself another cup of tea.

When I returned to the kitchen table  I felt relieved. Now it was clear that Jürgen was with my "relatives". And he was accessible and we could stay in contact. Will he play stronger chess now than before? I smiled! I shall see tomorrow!
    The evening before came to mind and young Christian`s words: Jesus is the only way to God! Again, I began to feel a little bit uneasy. "Is it really true that Jesus is the only way to God!"  I asked into the empty room.
    The small table began to move again and in a few seconds I could read the answer: Jesus_ is_ one_ way_ to_ God_ but_there_are many_others_too
    Ah, that`s it! I thought. Jesus was one, but not the only way to God. I was satisfied now and stopped thinking about that question. So I changed the subject and chatted on with "Uncle Willi".

After a while he suddenly started talking about another friend of mine and said something surprising. Not only surprising, but bewildering as well, and I knew that it was wrong.
    So I stood up and started walking up and down in my flat. Nervously I thought, It isn`t true! But Uncle Willi should know this. They seem to know almost everything. So why is he saying this to me? 
    I was confused! Slowly I went back to the kitchen table and said: "Please_tell_me! What_is_going_on_here?"
    The answer came immediately. The mini-table and pencil scribbled over the sheet of paper as it had never done before. I could feel, before reading the text, a vehement emotion behind it. I stared at the text on the paper: IF_YOU_CALL_US_AGAIN_SOMETHING_TERRIBLE_WILL

I was totally shaken!
Frozen to the spot, I stood in the middle of the room and felt waves of silent horror running through my body. Confusing thoughts washed over my mind.

    At last, I walked back and forth in my living room trying to silence this sense of terror, and finally laid down on the sofa. No matter. I was unable to quiet my nerves, this dense feeling of oppression.
     What was going on? Again and again this question pestered me. I could not come across any reasonable answer. After a few more minutes, I stood up abruptly, got my jacket, and left the flat.

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