Samstag, 2. Juni 2018

Bible, Jesus and free Church? No, thanks!

Claudia was a nice young women that I knew at the university.  She was good-looking, very smart, and always very friendly in a modest sort-of-way. One day after a seminar, we sat in front of our building in the spring sunshine, drinking coffee.
    After a bit of small talk, I told her about my esoteric passion and the fourth dimension, but I didn’t mention the sessions with my "relatives".

   She seemed to listen with great interest, but after I had finished, there was a long, drawn-out pause. So, I asked, "Well, Claudia, what do you think about that?"
   First she looked at the ground, then lifted her eyes and looked directly into my eyes, "Well, I do not know much about such things.  I am a Christian and I believe in God and Jesus and what is written in the Bible!"

Bible, God and Jesus?  Immediately, I had a flashback from my childhood. Every Sunday in boring Catholic church, my Communion, the Evening Prayers, the New Testament, the Stories of Jesus, Peter and Paul, and all the rest of it. How long ago it all seemed!
   "You are really a Christian and believe in the Bible?" I asked her. She nodded affirmatively. Now, I suddenly felt slightly annoyed, "But that is nothing but legends, fairy tales! How can you believe in such silly things?"
   She remained friendly, "I belong to an Evangelic Free Church! Perhaps you could come to our church on a Saturday evening to our ‘open night’. My fiancé is a deacon there. Perhaps you could talk with him. He can answer you so much better than I could!" 
   Now I became really annoyed and I stood up. "Come on, Claudia, let’s stop talking about it. I accept your faith, but I do not believe in God and the Bible. It doesn’t make any sense to me, so I would just be wasting my time to go to your church."

Later, when I was alone, I began to mull over our exchange in my mind. I was unhappy and puzzled about myself. Why was my reaction so harsh and rude when she began talking about God and the Bible?
    I had talked about my esoteric things and in reply she had talked about her Christian faith. So what? I recognized sadly with some self-reproach, She had done nothing wrong!

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