Samstag, 2. Juni 2018

In regular Contact

The next few weeks went along without any untoward events. With the arrival of spring, I was often either outdoors, visiting university, or catching up on things with my friends.
   At home I continued on with my esoteric studies. And I contacted my "relatives" in the invisible world at least once a day.
    Most often, it was a question and answer session. I asked them questions and they gave me answers. “Uncle Willi” was my primary “contact” and seemed to be in charge of providing most of the answers.
    So, for example, one time I asked them, "Tell me, what are you doing there in the invisible world?" And the answer of "Uncle Willi" I could read was, We_are_waiting_here_for_our_next_reincarnation_Till_that_
time_comes_ we_are_keeping_an_ eye_on_you_and_also_on_ your_ parents!

 At another time I talked with my unseen “family” about the influence of the stars on human existence. Yes, they wrote, there_is_an_immense _influence_from_the_stars Go_on_with_your studies_of_astrology!
   And they encouraged me to go on not only with astrology, but also with other esoteric studies,            Go_ahead_You_are_on_a_good_way!

They sometimes also talked of God and the Bible. But I found this irritating, because, as far as I knew, those esoteric things such as astrology, tarot, and reincarnation were closer to Buddhism than to the Christian faith.
   But I did not question it. Surely there would be an explanation for it.  I had only started to understand the things "behind the curtain"!
   Although I was happy to be in contact with my "relatives", I still felt I had to be  careful mentioning it to others.

Once, when I talked about it with Mike, my esoteric tutor, he was very reserved when he answered, "Well, I have heard about such things, but they are nothing to me. None of my business!"  And with that abrupt statement, our discussions about this theme ended. The topic never surfaced again!
   Elke was the only one I could talk with frankly about it, of course. On my next visit to her and Peter, she was delighted when I told her that I was now in contact with my own dead relatives, "Come on! Let’s have another session together!"
    So we did enthusiastically. And this time Peter looked over our shoulders for a while watching the moving mini-table and the writing on the sheet of paper. But he made no comment!

And one time I discussed it with Juergen, a good friend of mine. But he only laughed and said, "Nonsense! There is nothing behind the curtain! Dead is dead, that’s it!" I became angry and challenged him, "So let’s try!" He laughed again and said, "It is nonsense! But OK, why not!?"  To my big surprise this time the contact with the other side failed.
   Afterwards, when Juergen had gone, I asked my "relatives"  "Why didn’t you answer?"  But their answer was laconic. Do_not_show_this_to_anyone_else_In_future_you_should_ contact_with_us_only_alone
    This answer irritated me slightly. Why should not someone of my friends know about it? But I didn`t ask and followed their order.

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