Freitag, 4. Oktober 2019

A dangerous Night!

We reached the school camp long after midnight. When we walked through the schoolyard only a few lights inside the huge building were visible. "Some hundred youngsters are staying here for the night!" Uli told me.
    I was surprised: “Some hundred youngsters?”, I repeated. “Yes! Volunteers!”, he said, “ They are coming from all over the world, giving their time to Jesus and doing mission work here during the Church-days in Dusseldorf!
    “They are part of a worldwide organization called "Youth With A Mission" (YWAM),” Mike added, “ and Uli and I are leaders in it.

In the building we went through a number of floors and at last we came to a classroom "This is our leader room," Mike told me. "We have to be very quiet! Presumably they all are already sleeping."
Actually they were.. Mike and Uli walked over to their sleeping bags, and I put my sleeping bag next on a free spot in the middle of the room. A man, who had woken up, was watching me. "Hello," I said in a friendly manner.
     When I was also settled in my own sleeping bag, I fell asleep almost instantaneously.

After perhaps an hour, I woke up.  It was very quiet in the classroom and moonlight was streaming in through the large glass windows. I felt vigilant and very wary in my mind. Suddenly, a clear command came into my head. "Go into the toilet!"
    I was slightly shocked about hearing that voice but didn’t hesitate. Slowly I got out of my sleeping bag. Then I walked out and searched for the toilet.
    When I walked around the corner of the long floor there was a boy`s room. I opened the door and went inside.
For some seconds I stood there in the middle of the toilet, undecidedly what to do next. Then again, I heard that voice in my head: "Turn around!"
     Obediently I turned around and immediately my eyes fixed some written words on the wall in front of me
Willi is greeting you! 
For a moment I felt like loosing the ground. These were the same words “Uncle Willi” often had used at the beginning or end of the “table sessions”.
     They are here!, I thought with upcoming panic. Keep calm! You belong now to Jesus. They have no power over you!, was my next thought.So, I left the toilette and went back into the classroom.
I laid down again and tried to go back to sleep. But it was impossible. Too many thoughts went through my mind. How was it possible that this sentence of all had been written on the wall? Had the demons it written by themselves? And how shocking that they obviously had had still the power to lead me to this spot! Or was there another explanation for it? Had it been perhaps God who had me lead to that spot in the toilette? But why?
     After a while, I was tired of thinking. So I put my hands behind my neck and stared at the the wall with the blackboard in front of me. It was bathed in moonlight. “Don`t worry!”, I said to myself. In any case, I was a Christian now! So what could happen? I calmed down.
    The schoolroom reminded me of my own school days. OK, so it had not always been good times, but in spite of that, the room gave me a feeling of a familiar assurance. Especially the moonlight had a soothing effect on me.
Suddenly my eyes were fixed on the wall in front of me, and what I saw now. made me shiver. In a game of shadows, a combination of the filtered moonlight and the shadows of the window panes' framing, on the wall in front of me was readable: tot (dead).
     For a moment I laid there horror-stiken, then I jumped up and rushed over to Mike`s sleeping bag, shaking him awake. He looked at me with a perplexed look. “What`s the matter?", he asked.
     “Sorry, Mike,” I said, “ but strange things have happened. Please let me show you." He got out of his sleeping bag and followed me to the middle of the room. I pointed to the wall, where the word tot was still visible,"Look at this! Do you see it?" He nodded slowly.
    Then he followed me into the toilette, where I showed him the writing on the wall. I explained him what immense meaning that sentence had for me. He understood it immediately. Then he said. "Okay, let us go out and pray!"

Outside on the floor we chose a corner and Mike began to pray, "Dear Lord, we do not know what is going on here! But Heiner is now your child and under your protection. Therefore, we pray, that these attacks are stopped now. Please let Heiner sleep till morning without fear and another interruption! Amen!" "Amen!" I agreed.
     We went back to our sleeping bags and after five minutes I fell asleep. The rest of the night I slept soundly and without any interruption.

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